Here’s the email I received this afternoon from the Unemployed Workers.   Unfortunately, they failed to attach judge Cooper’s order and therefore I can’t comment on it.


Judge Cooper released her verdict and in it she finds the state not required to pay back the $300 enhanced FPUC unemployment benefit which the governor prematurely ended this summer. This is an unfortunate decision as these benefits were federally funded and would have cost nothing for the state to provide to Arizonans.

But it is not an unforeseen decision. Our legal team is already mobilizing to appeal this decision because we feel strongly that this money belongs in your pockets – and we need you to join the fight with us.

Join our Response Meeting TONIGHT
We will be having an emergency meeting tonight at 6 PM MST. At the meeting, you will hear from the legal team and plaintiffs about our next steps.

We need to be organized ourselves to push back so that you get your money and make sure that this does not happen again.

We will be organizing ourselves on our Arizona Workers Facebook Group. Here you will find the most up-to-date information and hear from other workers who are tired of letting the state withhold the benefits they deserve. When you’re on our Facebook you can tell us exactly how you’re feeling: sharing your stories and experiences allows us to amplify them so we can make sure our voices are heard.

This is a bump in the road to justice, but it’s not enough to stop us. Join us tonight at 6 PM to hear how we will fight back.

In Solidarity,

Sebastian Fernandez Giraldo
UWU National Distributed Organizer

It would have been so much more effective to help the many thousands of Arizonans whose claims were unjustly denied with their Notice of Claim against the state and to contact all Arizona legislators with DEMANDS for justice.

That’s how you create real change.

Sebastian Fernandez Giraldo chose to kick me out of the Zoom meeting when I advised of the importance of timely filing of the Notice of Claim and I requested assistance through the chat – not being disruptive.

That just goes to show how corrupt they all are.  It’s all about sucking up our money (donations.)