9/30/24 Update

Re. Gov. Hobbs and the federal $300/week:

Looks like they’re hoping I finally died.

Re. Sonya Reyna and my 2021 unemployment claims.

I sent email after email after email to Ms. Reyna.

Apparently, Ms. Reyna decided to IGNORE me.  

My blood is boiling.  I’ve had the most stressful and frustrating weeks dealing with corporate thugs for a client:



Whether it’s a heart attack or stroke, an accident caused by stress, or suicide. 

So many kill themselves when they can’t take the abuse anymore.

If there is a hell, there’s a very special place for all these thugs — whether they work for a corporation or the government, they’re guilty of destroying so many lives.

I just emailed Ms. Reyna the link to this post and I will be filing my notice of claim against the state of Arizona on Tuesday if I don’t have the ETA for my 2021 claim payment tomorrow.

9/13/24 Update:

Sonya Reyna called me today.

 1) Ms. Reyna is in no position to speak about Gov. Hobbs’ action or inaction regarding the $300 federal benefits.

Gov. Hobbs’ office did not forward my messages to her but merely indicated that I had questions.  I will contact Gov. Hobbs’ office again.   I wonder how many people would have to set themselves on fire in front of her office before we get a meaningful response.

2) Ms. Reyna reviewed my file and noticed that my claims with the uploaded work search had not been processed.  She will review and get back to me next week.

While my eyes are still very sensitive I decided to put my contacts back in and I promptly found the work search reports I had to complete offline, scan and then upload because the website was NOT working.

I also found the 7/6/21 4-page letter I submitted regarding their crap website as well as my personal situation.  I explained that my primarily FOREIGN guests who used to book the vacation rental I manage were not allowed to enter the US, that I then targeted boaters and had two bookings around 7/4, but they canceled due to lack of water in Lake Mead.

I explained how I was paying $250/month for internet because everybody LIED to me after Frontier Communications refused to repair the line to my home.   Verizon, ATT, … everybody lied, scammed me, sold me jetpacks and services that did NOT work. Have Starlink now, $120/month.  Hate to finance Musk, but it works and is my only option for unlimited internet.

I asked why the AZ unemployment telephone support was CLOSED Saturdays but available on Sunday.   All their employees are Jewish?  Of course not, but notably, Saturday was the last day to submit weekly claims and this was an extremely efficient way to reduce claims.  I’m sure many gave up on unemployment with that shitty website and no way to call for assistance on Saturdays.  I received NO response to my letter.

I even saw screencasts and screenshots of the crap website in my files.

I have no idea how I lived through that time.  The constant stress.  I was so lucky I got an inheritance and didn’t have to worry about money for a while.  I let it go and never asked about my claims, 10 weeks if I counted correctly.

I’ll update next week.

9/12/24 Update:

Yesterday morning I received a VM from Sonya Reyna (Deputy 507), Adjudicator-Client Advocate Unit, apparently in response to my 9/9 email to Gov. Hobbs’ (D) office.  She requested that I call her by Friday 9/13.

I called her yesterday, left a VM for her with my direct cell # and walked around with my cell phone all day.   I hate that phone and it’s usually off.  I’m busy. I’m working.  I’m trying to stay alive.

So I left another VM for Ms. Reyna to let her know that time is of the essence.  People are getting ready to vote and the public should know whether Gov. Hobbs = Gov. Ducey.

Same crap in blue?

Why can’t these government employees ask questions and provide information by email?

I don’t mind a quick phone call, but this BS is seriously and very negatively impacting my ability to stay alive in this shithole state.  I will elaborate on AHCCCS and DES deliberately trying to kill us and my upcoming notice of claim against the state in another post.

What does it take to get ANSWERS from Gov. Hobbs?

I emailed this update to Gov. Hobbs’ office.

9/9/24 Update:  I don’t know whether to cry or scream — EUTHANSIA!

On 9/6/24 I received this email without reference to my submission from “engage @ az.gov (via Quickbase)” <engage@az.gov>, presumably written by a bot:

Dear Christine Baker,
Thank you for reaching out to the Governor’s Office.
We have forwarded your concerns to the appropriate staff at the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) for review and asked that a representative contact you directly regarding this matter. At this time our DES Ombudsman’s Office is experiencing a large volume of inquiries. A representative will contact you directly as soon as they begin reviewing your information.
If this is regarding an unemployment claim, you may also wish to contact the unemployment advocate line at (602) 542-5954 for an update on your unemployment claim status. We appreciate your patience during these unprecedented times.
Thank you for contacting the Governor’s Office.

I was so incredibly angry and frustrated I had to wait a few days so my reply wouldn’t be full of expletives.

NOBODY read my submission!!!

My 9/9/24 reply:


I do NOT want to be contacted by the imbeciles at the DES if your insulting response is regarding the federal unemployment funds in 2020.

What does it take to get to a human with an IQ above room temperature at Gov. Hobbs’ office?

Also, please identify yourself with your full name and title.


Christine Baker

c: posted at [this URL] and on social media.

8/30/24  From today’s Ohio consumer attorney Marc Dann’s email update:

“We filed an affidavit from the Department of Labor confirming that the funds are still available and all the Governor needs to do is ask for them. The State is still arguing that as a matter of law he is not required to ask for them.”

I am sending this link to our DEMOCRATIC Gov. Katie Hobbs to find out why we have NOT received the benefits we are entitled to.

Ohio attorney Dann’s 8/30/24 email update regarding his Ohio unemployment litigation:


We just wanted to update you on the pending case against Governor DeWine and the state of Ohio over their refusal to accept additional benefits made available to Ohioans who were unemployed from July through September 2021. Both sides have filed a motion for Summary Judgment asking the court to enter judgment without trial because there remain no facts in dispute, and the matter can be resolved on purely legal issues.

On behalf of you and others similarly impacted we have asked that the court simply order Governor DeWine to ask the U.S. Department of Labor to forward the funds which remain appropriated. We filed an affidavit from the Department of Labor confirming that the funds are still available and all the Governor needs to do is ask for them. The State is still arguing that as a matter of law he is not required to ask for them.

No matter who wins this part of the battle it is all but certain that the losing side will appeal the decision, first to the 10th District Court of Appeals (which previously ruled that the Governor had the legal obligation to ask for the money) and ultimately the Ohio Supreme Court.

What is unclear is whether Judge Holbrook (or the 10th District) will grant the governor a stay of his order if we prevail and they appeal.

What is really tragic here is that nothing prevents the Governor from voluntarily asking for the funds which if granted would put hundreds of millions of federal dollars into the hands of Ohioans who still desperately need the money and who are likely to spend that money boosting Ohio businesses.

Attached are copies of the motions that are pending before the court and each side’s responses.

We will keep you posted when the Court makes a decision.

Until then, have a good Labor Day weekend.

Marc Dann
15000 Madison Ave.
Cleveland OH 44107
216-452-1026 Direct
216-373-0536 Fax
216-373-0539 Office
330-651-3131 Cell

There was a class action lawsuit in Arizona, but I have no idea whether an appeal was filed and what happened.


I did NOT get my federal Covid unemployment benefits that REPUBLICAN Gov. Ducey refused to accept.  I am alive today because I received an inheritance in 2021, too late to prevent my default on my credit cards in 2020.  Now my credit sucks, collectors are after me, I might get sued, … and I have to somehow survive on $298 in Social Security.

My 8/30/24 submission to Gov. Hobbs at https://azgovernor.gov/office-arizona-governor/form/assistance-request:

Dear Gov. Hobbs:

Why have we not received our $300/week federal COVID unemployment benefits?

Ohio consumer attorney Marc Dann:

“… We filed an affidavit from the Department of Labor confirming that the funds are still available and all the Governor needs to do is ask for them. The State is still arguing that as a matter of law he is not required to ask for them. …”

Did Gov. Hobbs request our federal $300/week federal unemployment benefits?

Attorney Mann’s entire email is posted at [this URL].

Thank you,

Christine Baker

I will update with Gov. Hobbs’ response.